Uh Oh, Sounds Like You Need a Life Reset

Do you hit snooze more often than a whack-a-mole? Do you drift into frequent daydreams of getting away from it all through travel, career changes just going off to join the circus? If you're feeling blah and your get-up-and-go got up and left, it may be time for a reset, my friend.

Loss of passion often sneaks up on us slowly. One day your life is sunshine and rainbows and then - bam! - you're questioning how sweatpants became your permanent wardrobe.

If you've lost your joie de vivre, don't fret. Here are 10 signs it's time to get your groove back:

You Slog Through Your Days

You once bounded out of bed, now you cling to your pillow like a starfish on a rock. You used to whistle while you worked, now you act more like Ebenezer Scrooge . Take back your mornings!

You're on Autopilot

Catching up with friends, you realize Groundhog Day has nothing on the monotonous loop that is your life. Shake things up and engage your senses!

You Fantasize About Escape

You've Googled "how to vanish and join a goat commune" more times than you can count. Fantasies are healthy escapism but take it as a sign when your daydreams reflect a longing to break free.

Your Relationships are Meh

You've got fewer intimate friends than Tom Hanks in Cast Away. Prioritize nurturing your village, mama!

You've Stopped Growing

Your skills are so stagnant you still think Netflix means mailing DVDs. Learn, explore, keep evolving!

Your Work and Values Clash

Your job feels less aligned with your truth than a vegetarian at a butcher convention. Seek out better harmony!

You Sacrifice Your Needs

You've said yes so often, "no" feels as foreign as the Greek alphabet. Reclaim your power, dude!

You're Exhausted and Sick

You have more bizarre mystery symptoms than an episode of House M.D. Your body is telling you something needs to change!

You Cope Unhealthily

You indulge in more wine and cookies than a Real Housewife on Night 1 of filming. Quick fixes won't fill the void - do the deeper work!

You Feel Trapped

You may feel confined but remember - you have the power to take your life in a new direction at any age!

Kidding aside, It's never too late for a reset, and noticing these clues is the first step to regaining your vibrancy. Pay attention to what lights you up. Seek small ways to inject passion back into your days. With consistent effort, you'll rediscover your joy and purpose. Chin up, buttercup!

Iā€™m here for you,



Creating a Life You Love...Before You're 30 and Eating Ice Cream On Your Couch Wondering Where It All Went Wrong


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