Joy, Meet My Good Friend Purpose: A Journey to an Extraordinary Life

Do you ever wake up, look at your life and think, “How the heck did I end up here?” Do you feel stuck in a job or relationship that sucks the life out of you? Are you just going through the motions without any sense of passion or purpose?

Oh, I’ve been there! It seems as though from my late 20’s to my mid 40’s I was always struggling with where I was, and where I imagined I wanted to be. I pored over books on discovering one's destiny, attended countless workshops, ruminated endlessly in journals, and cried over drinks with friends. But the more I grasped, the more purpose seemed to evade me.

It was only when I surrendered, and got back to imagining like a child, that inspiration came out of hiding. Like following a winding wooded path in a dream, I found my way step-by-step to where I was meant to be. Purpose requires patience, an unfurling. Turns out, nothing lights my fire like empowering people to live bold, purposeful lives. My work feels like play. I get paid to help other people live their best lives. Now that’s livin’ with passion, people!

And guess what? You can do it too. Discovering your purpose is the gateway to an extraordinary life. Here’s how to get started:

Get Honest with Yourself

Grab a journal and ask yourself: When am I in absolute flow? Doing what exactly? With who? What moments in my life have I been most proud of? Let your mind wander to your oldest memories and passions.

Don’t overthink it, just write.

Got some ideas? Awesome. Now ask: Do my daily activities align with this purpose? If the answer’s no, it’s time to get real about what needs to change.

Identify Your Core Values

What principles light your inner fire? Make a list of values words: freedom, justice, family, humor, integrity, spirituality, whatever matters most. Pick your top 5.

Do your choices reflect your values? For example, I value family and creativity. So, I work flexible hours and do side projects that scratch my creative itch. If your values don’t align with your life choices, it’s time to get real about what needs to change.

Envision Your Purposeful Life

Imagine your ideal future. No limits, barriers or scarcity mindset allowed. What does a purpose-filled life look like for you? Jot down vivid details about your ideal work, relationships and lifestyle.

This vision is your North Star guiding you to your best life. Use it to identify gaps between your current and purposeful life. Play around with new hobbies, classes, careers. Pay attention to when you’re lit up. Follow your curiosity. Patience is required. Have faith in the journey. Each experience expands our understanding of who we are meant to be.

Still Stuck?

It’s normal to feel confused or hit a wall in your purpose discovery. Be gentle with yourself. Focus on sprinkling more joy and meaning into your existing life. Baby steps, people!

If you need support to rediscover your purpose, work with a coach or join a community. We all need a little help sometimes.

Trust the Process and Take Action

Once you unlock your purpose, align ALL aspects of your life around it - your goals, work, relationships, self-care rituals. Make decisions based on your values, not fear or other’s expectations.

Finally, share your gifts. You have gifts within you to help heal and elevate the world. Use your purpose as your guiding light to live the passionate, fulfilling life you deserve.

Remember to make small changes everyday, keep your Vision and Values in a place you see them regularly, and remember to take note of your progress and celebrate as you reach certain milestones. You may just find that pursuing a life you love is actually fabulous and a total blast.

I believe in you!



Uh Oh, Sounds Like You Need a Life Reset