Want to design a life you truly love,
fearlessly pursuing your wildest dreams?

School teaches you what to think, we teach you how to live.

Our transformational coaching reveals your inner wisdom, and equips you with tools to design your future, and navigate fear and self-doubt like a warrior.

  • Fear of the Future: Career and life expectation creating feelings of fear and uncertainty, leading you to feel paralyzed or directionless.

  • Comparing your progress to peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy & low self-esteem.

  • Imposter Syndrome: Lack of experience leading to self-doubt and overwhelm.

  • Struggling to find purpose and independence in the transition into adulthood.

The Journey

Where you may be now…

Where we can take you…

  • Discovering vision and life design tools to create, clear exciting options for what is next, and how to make it happen.

  • Learning techniques to overcome self-limiting beliefs and building confidence & resilience for your own unique path.

  • Establishing a growth mindset, skills and habits for success, and behaviors to enhance personal happiness.

  • Setting your moral compass to what truly matters, so you can live and lead with integrity.

Your Customized Coaching may include some or all of the tools in
Creating A Life You Love


  • Introduction to Vision Work: Assessing academic, career and personal life trajectories

  • Self-Reflection and Visioning: Exploring personal values and long-term aspirations for a fulfilling life.

  • Life Design: Using design theory, dreaming and imagination to create alternative possibilities for your future.

  • Redefining Success: Diving deep on success definitions and finding those that are meaningful to you and in alignment with individual values.



  • Goal Setting and Action Planning: Setting achievable goals aligned with individual interests and passions.

  • Schedule Mastery: Develop effective time management strategies for academics, professional, and personal pursuits.

  • Building Positive Habits: Tools and understanding of how to build consistent, positive habits for long-term success and fulfillment.

  • Accountability & Mindset: Learning tools to self-coach yourself through challenging times.

  • Cultivating Resilience: learning mindfulness tools to recognize when our thoughts are working against us and ways to build our resilience muscle.

  • Navigating Fear and Failure: Understanding and addressing the fear of failure and strategies for overcoming it.

  • Strengthening Self-Confidence: Combating imposter system and using reframing and neuroplasticity to create new empowered thoughts and mindset.

  • Leveraging Networks & Resources: Exploring the benefits of networking and utilizing available resources for personal and professional growth.

  • "Before I started working with Julie I had just broken up with my boyfriend, quit my job, and moved out of the house we had shared together and back in with my parents. The results I've received from coaching include landing a dream job that is financially stable, nurturing the first healthy relationship I've been in with a guy, and building an excellent community of women who are true friends."

    Kate, Park Ranger

  • “I finished the semester with all A‘s and am fully off academic probation! I got a great summer job, haven’t missed a run in weeks, and also met a really wonderful guy - always happens when you least expect it!”

    Haley, College Student, Engineering Major

  • "From our first coaching session together, she provided me with the tactical guidance I needed to help me capitalize on my passions and strengths. Julie is a gifted listener who has a unique way of repackaging my own, often confusing, thoughts in a way that adds meaningful direction. I needed someone in my corner who could coach me into making sense of the path that had led me to this point, as well as increase my confidence."

    Kelly, Entrepreneur, www.mygogear.com

  • "I found an advocate for my mindset and growth in Julie. I am getting ordered in priority and thinking. I'm getting things done that I start, am in alignment with the bigger vision and purpose, and staying the course on the hard work ahead."

    Steve, Real Estate Leader/Entrepreneur

  • “Julie’s workshop changed everything for me. After struggling to finish my book for a decade, I found Julie and experienced a life-altering transformation. Her guidance helped me break down my goals into three-month increments, keeping overwhelm at bay, and helping me focus on tangible results. In just 3 months I finished my book and surpassed my year-long savings target of $30K in under 6 months.”

    Lynn, Actress/Director/Author

  • "I became more consistent in terms of accountability, and I am taking action based on my prioritization in annual or long term vision. I wake up early and I became more logical, rational in life. I give more time to my family. I am having better control over my circumstances."

    Sabbir, CEO, Grocery Chain

  • "After working with Julie, I am far less ‘awe-shucksy’ about what I want out of life. Her often-funny insights have freed me to whole-heartedly believe that I am capable and worthy of the dream life that’s available for me.”

    Grace, now pursuing her dream of owning an income-producing property

  • "The biggest value has been accountability, clarity, and emotional support. I'm getting back rhythm for my life and I'm so excited"

    Chinyere, CEO Import/Export Business

  • "In the last 30 days my mindset has improved. I'm now seeing less of the negative thought patterns. My bad habits are now subsiding. I'm feeling freed from my past relationships and moving from victim mindset to growth mindset."

    Taher, Software Developer/Coder

  • "She is able to ask the right questions & somehow distill my ramblings into succinct power statements to help me pin-point where I need to go next. The on-going actionable insights Julie has given me about what I can control and change in my situation, and what I can not - has been invaluable."

    Henry, Creative Entrepreneur