“I wish that I knew what I know now….when I was younger”
- Faces/Rod Stewart
Enrollment Instructions
This is a private, customized, 1 on 1 experience, 1 hour/week for at least 4 weeks, but can continue to include full curriculum in 12 weeks, or continuing support.
When you decide to Enroll, you will be sent a link specific to the initial agreed upon engagement. This link will take you to a scheduling page to book your initial 60-minute Kick-Off call. Please leave at least 48 hours from the time you book to account for time to fill out a one-page questionnaire.
After scheduling, add your contact and payment information and review and sign the coaching agreement.
You will then get an email invite to connect to the Client Workshop where you will be asked to login in and create a password. This will assign you to a quick orientation and the “Self-Assessment + Life Views” questionnaire.
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