A Transformational Experience for Teens:
A Toolkit for Lifetime Clarity and Confidence
What if you could clearly see your path to an epic future that rocks?
Find your inner badass, rewrite the rules, and level up your future self.
Unleash Your Potential
Let us customize a program where you can discover the secrets shared by these influential young icons. What connects them? It's more than fame; it's a mindset that propels them toward success.
The Visionary: From a young age, they had a vision and worked relentlessly to make it a reality. Learn how vision shapes destiny.
The Hard Worker: Witness the dedication and hard work that catapulted this icon to success. Understand the importance of consistent effort.
Embracing Failure & Building Resilience: Discover how failure isn’t the end; it’s a stepping stone. Our workshops teach resilience and the art of learning from setbacks.
Overcoming Critics: In the face of criticism, these icons stood tall. Explore how to tap into your confidence and emotional power when others doubt your path.
Building Great Habits: Uncover the habits that contribute to their success. Learn how adopting positive routines can transform your life.
Why Enroll?
Private Interactive Sessions - engaging discussions and compassionate listening.
Practical Tools - Equip yourself with wisdom and skills for a successful future of your own design.
Struggling is lame - Transform self-doubt into confidence and see how it effects how you show up in almost everything.
The Journey
Heightened anxiety and fear about the future.
Increased expectation and pressure nearing graduation.
Comparing yourself to peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy & low self-esteem.
Lack of perspective from limited life experience challenging long-term goals and the importance of personal growth.
Where you may be now…
Where the course can take you…
Discovering vision and life design tools to create exciting options for what is next.
Learning techniques to overcome self-limiting beliefs keeping you stuck so you can break through fear.
Setting your moral compass to what truly matters, so you can live and lead with integrity.
Establishing a growth mindset, habits for success, and behaviors to enhance personal happiness.
Teen expectations to be perfect, combined with lack of coping abilities, digital overwhelm, and feeling isolated and uncertain about the future, comprise the mental health storm faced by our youth today
Unrelenting pressure to achieve academic and career success, leading to intense fear of failure and feelings of inadequacy.
Lack of effective coping skills and emotional resilience to grapple with setbacks, rejections and adversity during formative years.
Digital immersion and social media triggers ‘compare and despair’ mentalities causing insecurity, low-self-esteem and depression.
Absence of a spiritual anchor or sense of meaning and inner purpose beyond the superficial, leave existential holes for many teens to grapple with in isolation.
Puberty-fueled body image issues amplified by filters/ads on social platforms attacking self-worth for over 50% of teens.
Economic instability, polarized politics and bleak environmental predictions paint an uncertain future riddled with anxiety.
A Life You Love Teen privately coaches teens to unlock their full potential through transformative self-discovery tailored to their unique needs. Our customized virtual course equips teens with emotional intelligence and inner resilience tools to rely on their whole lives.
Your Customized Coaching may include some or all of the tools in Creating A Life You Love
Introduction to Vision Work: Understanding the power of envisioning your ideal life
Uncovering Passions and Interests: Engaging in activities and discussions to uncover personal interests and strengths
Let’s create your Vision for 2024 and beyond.
Goal Setting and Action Planning: Setting achievable goals aligned with individual interests and passions.
Schedule Mastery: Exploring effective time management techniques for balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and personal growth.
Building Positive Habits: Tools and understanding of how to build consistent, positive habits for long-term success and fulfillment.
Accountability: Having someone to hold you to your promises to yourself and your goals.
Nurturing Self-Care: Emphasizing the importance of and teaching lessons in self-care and mental well-being for overall life satisfaction.
Cultivating Resilience:: Building tools to navigate challenges and setbacks on the path to personal growth.
Encouraging Positive Self-Image: Focus on self-love and appreciation, addressing limiting beliefs and identifying and challenging self-doubt and negative thought patterns.
Building a Support System: How to find a create a team, a community and a network of mentors for encouragement and accountability.