Reimagine Your Life with a Proven Transformation Catalyst

Providing simple tools and compassionate support to help you get clear on your dreams, tackle your obstacles, and make progress where you’ve failed before

So what can I expect?

  • Feeling lost, a lack of purpose, and maybe depressed

  • Not enough time in the day, too many irons in the fire

  • Thinking about starting...a book, a business, a diet; a job change, or something else

  • Feelings of self-doubt, worthlessness and self-loathing

  • Overwhelm, stress, financial pressure and panic

You’ll come from here…

And find yourself here…

  • Knowing what you want in life, and excited about the journey

  • Mastering time management, getting more done, and having more time

  • Creating a plan, taking action and generating success

  • Confidence, direction, willingness and self-compassion

  • Creating a work/life balance, living on a generous budget, and saving for the future

The Simple Process

We begin with exploring and imagining different outcomes for each area of your life, using a simple methodology to help us discover what’s missing, how life could be more fulfilling, and getting honest with what you REALLY want


Now that we have the destinations, we create a map, with directions on what it will take to get there, even when you think you don’t know how

The Plan


With tools and exercises to help you succeed where you haven’t before, we will work week to week, to move you forward - supporting you, encouraging you, and holding you accountable, to release old patterns and form strong new habits

The Offering

In this one on one coaching experience, you’ll walk away with a clear purpose and plan. You’ll learn tools to examine and improve upon your skills and mindset, develop new, healthy habits, and conquer time management so you have more time in your day and more balance in your life. And if you commit to the work, you will feel empowered, refreshed and unstoppable - all the while being guided, encouraged and held accountable when you are not showing up for yourself to embrace the life you deserve.

A Life You Love 90 Day Intensive

Work through a problem that has been consuming you, learn some time management skills to find more time in your day, discuss strategies for having a hard conversation, get help with creating a 90-day action plan or build a roadmap for a new project.

Do you and a few friends dream of taking bigger risks, getting a plan in place, finding a way to do something you love, make the money you’ve wanted to make, lose the weight, run the race, build the house, travel for a year…? Getting coached in a group ups the ante, and inspires action. If the people you know want to go beyond their comfort zone and begin to take big bold strides, you are much more likely to be encouraged to do the same. This is also effective with people you don’t know, as it’s the same dynamic.

Customized Private and Group Coaching

Accountability is about autonomy - having independence and self-determination, regardless of influences that surround us, or circumstances that we encounter

  • "From our first coaching session together, she provided me with the tactical guidance I needed to help me capitalize on my passions and strengths. Julie is a gifted listener who has a unique way of repackaging my own, often confusing, thoughts in a way that adds meaningful direction. I needed someone in my corner who could coach me into making sense of the path that had led me to this point, as well as increase my confidence."

    Kelly, Entrepreneur,

  • "I found an advocate for my mindset and growth in Julie. I am getting ordered in priority and thinking. I'm getting things done that I start, am in alignment with the bigger vision and purpose, and staying the course on the hard work ahead."

    Steve, Real Estate Leader/Entrepreneur

  • “Julie’s workshop changed everything for me. After struggling to finish my book for a decade, I found Julie and experienced a life-altering transformation. Her guidance helped me break down my goals into three-month increments, keeping overwhelm at bay, and helping me focus on tangible results. In just 3 months I finished my book and surpassed my year-long savings target of $30K in under 6 months.”

    Lynn, Actress/Director/Author

  • "I became more consistent in terms of accountability, and I am taking action based on my prioritization in annual or long term vision. I wake up early and I became more logical, rational in life. I give more time to my family. I am having better control over my circumstances."

    Sabbir, CEO, Grocery Chain

  • "After working with Julie, I am far less ‘awe-shucksy’ about what I want out of life. Her often-funny insights have freed me to whole-heartedly believe that I am capable and worthy of the dream life that’s available for me.”

    Grace, now pursuing her dream of owning an income-producing property

  • "The biggest value has been accountability, clarity, and emotional support. I'm getting back rhythm for my life and I'm so excited"

    Chinyere, CEO Import/Export Business

  • "In the last 30 days my mindset has improved. I'm now seeing less of the negative thought patterns. My bad habits are now subsiding. I'm feeling freed from my past relationships and moving from victim mindset to growth mindset."

    Taher, Software Developer/Coder

  • "She is able to ask the right questions & somehow distill my ramblings into succinct power statements to help me pin-point where I need to go next. The on-going actionable insights Julie has given me about what I can control and change in my situation, and what I can not - has been invaluable."

    Henry, Creative Entrepreneur